Monday, May 3, 2010

An Afternoon at the Farm

Yesterday was the end of season potluck lunch and gleaning day at Bee Heaven Farm.  They are the people that run the local CSA and where we've been going every Saturday morning since November to pick up our vegetable box.  We had a great time, I had actually been looking forward to this since I found out we'd be able to pick vegetables to our hearts' content!

There was so much food that I couldn't try it all.  I took homemade Banoffee Pie and I was actually rather surprised to find out no one I talked to had ever heard of such a pie.  I wish I had taken pictures of the pie but I actually finished it at the very last minute (I AM a slacker).  I can tell you however that it was finger-licking good and that there was not a crumb left.  The turnout was great although I only recognized one person, Caroline from the Occasional Omnivore.

Crappy iPhone pictures.

As for the vegetables, we (well, I) picked quite a bit.  I picked so many carrots that I have no idea what I'm going to do with them.  I think I'll freeze some for the summer.  Aside from two kinds of carrots, I picked parsnips, kale, some sort of pea, scallions, young onions, tomatoes, plantains, rosemary, oregano, parsley and sage.  Quite the loot! 

Liev had a great time running around, picking parsnips and just being a little boy who was able to roam free and get dirty.  He ate tomatoes right off the vine and mulberries right off the tree.  The potluck was right during his nap time and he didn't even miss it.  He did nap on the very short drive home and then on me on the couch.  We thought he'd be cranky and we were prepared to leave early but he was so great.  I guess he was having too much fun to think about sleeping.

The CSA season is over but I am very much looking forward to the summer fuits and those enormous avocados they have.  Great times.  Everyone should have the opportunity to do this, it is so satisfying and that's coming from a city girl through and through!

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