Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Sharp Delivery

I stalked the FedEx delivery man yesterday until he finally arrived with the package I was expecting.  I tore the box open as soon as it arrived, I was just that excited about it.



Shun knives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been using crappy knives since we got married.  They are so dull that I've had countless accidents and slippings and not once have I cut myself.  It took so much force to cut into anything that it wasn't even funny.  These puppies though cut through everything like it's butter.  I'm almost afraid to use them lest I dull them or slice my fingers clean off.   I'm in love.  LOVE.  I suppose they are my Mother's Day present.

We got them during the Wootoff last week at a great price, we wouldn't have been able to afford them otherwise.  The two big ones are 8 1/4 inches long and the little one is 4 1/8 inches long and they are from the Pro line.  They are not top of the line but they are worlds away from my crappy 16-knives-for $60 set which I will not miss. Needless to say, these babies will get the handwash treatment.  No dishwasher for them!

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